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Use this function to get the gamma ramp for the display that owns a given window.


int SDL_GetWindowGammaRamp(SDL_Window* window,
                           Uint16*     red,
                           Uint16*     green,
                           Uint16*     blue)

Function Parameters


the window used to select the display whose gamma ramp will be queried


a 256 element array of 16-bit quantities filled in with the translation table for the red channel, or NULL


a 256 element array of 16-bit quantities filled in with the translation table for the green channel, or NULL


a 256 element array of 16-bit quantities filled in with the translation table for the blue channel, or NULL

Return Value

Returns 0 on success or a negative error code on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information.

Code Examples

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Despite the name and signature, this method retrieves the gamma ramp of the entire display, not an individual window. A window is considered to be owned by the display that contains the window's center pixel. (The index of this display can be retrieved using SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex().)

CategoryAPI, CategoryVideo

None: SDL_GetWindowGammaRamp (last edited 2014-06-28 22:10:34 by PhilippWiesemann)

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