Building SDL2 for Android
1. Existing documentation
A lot of information can be found in SDL/docs/
This page is more walkthrough-oriented.
2. Pre-requisites
Install minimal Java environment. For instance, in Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk ant android-sdk-platform-tools-common
Install NDK (tested with r10e)
Install the latest SDK, run tools/bin/sdkmanager (or tools/android pre-2017) and install one API (>=12; >= 19 for SDL >= 2.0.8; >=26 if for SDL >= 2.0.9)
Configure your environment variables, e.g.:
PATH="/usr/src/android-ndk-rXXx:$PATH" # for 'ndk-build' PATH="/usr/src/android-sdk-linux/tools:$PATH" # for 'android' PATH="/usr/src/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools:$PATH" # for 'adb' export ANDROID_HOME="/usr/src/android-sdk-linux" # for gradle export ANDROID_NDK_HOME="/usr/src/android-ndk-rXXx" # for gradle
3. Simple builds
3.1. SDL wrapper for simple programs
Compile a sample app (calls ndk-build):
cd /usr/src/SDL2/build-scripts/ ./ org.libsdl.testgles ../test/testgles.c
Follow the instructions to install on your device:
cd /usr/src/SDL2/build/org.libsdl.testgles/ ant debug install # SDL <= 2.0.7 ./gradlew installDebug # SDL >= 2.0.8
- multiple targets armeabi-v7a/arm64-v8a/x86/x86_64 compilation
- application doesn't quit
3.1.1. Troubleshooting
use OpenJDK 8: execute sudo update-alternatives --config java and select jdk-8 as default; or use JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 ./gradlew
fixed in 2.0.9: in /android-project/build.gradle change (in BOTH places in the file code appears) from
repositories { jcenter() }
repositories { jcenter() google() }
javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSchema, Could not initialize class check the Android Gradle Plugin version in /android-project/build.gradle, e.g.
classpath ''
You can customize the Gradle version in /android-project/gradle/wrapper/
You can customize your SDK/NDK versions in android-project/app/build.gradle:
android { buildToolsVersion "28.0.1" compileSdkVersion 28
You can customize your targets depending on the NDK version:
externalNativeBuild { ndkBuild { arguments "APP_PLATFORM=android-14" abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a', 'x86', 'x86_64'
ABIs [x86_64, arm64-v8a] are not supported for platform. Supported ABIs are [armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86, mips]: upgrade to NDK >= 10
Using ant (SDL <= 2.0.7): edit build-scripts/, find the $ANDROID update project line, and add --target android-XX to it (replace XX with your installed API number)
TODO: check how we can use the distro's gradle instead of executing stuff from the Internet - apt install gradle libgradle-android-plugin-java
3.2. SDL wrapper + SDL_image NDK module
Let's modify SDL2_image/showimage.c to show a simple embedded image (e.g. XPM).
#include "SDL.h"
#include "SDL_image.h"
/* XPM */
static char * icon_xpm[] = {
"32 23 3 1",
" c #FFFFFF",
". c #000000",
"+ c #FFFF00",
" ",
" ........ ",
" ..++++++++.. ",
" .++++++++++++. ",
" .++++++++++++++. ",
" .++++++++++++++++. ",
" .++++++++++++++++++. ",
" .+++....++++....+++. ",
" .++++.. .++++.. .++++. ",
" .++++....++++....++++. ",
" .++++++++++++++++++++. ",
" .++++++++++++++++++++. ",
" .+++++++++..+++++++++. ",
" .+++++++++..+++++++++. ",
" .++++++++++++++++++++. ",
" .++++++++++++++++++. ",
" .++...++++++++...++. ",
" .++............++. ",
" .++..........++. ",
" .+++......+++. ",
" ..++++++++.. ",
" ........ ",
" "};
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
SDL_Window *window;
SDL_Renderer *renderer;
SDL_Surface *surface;
SDL_Texture *texture;
int done;
SDL_Event event;
if (SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(0, 0, 0, &window, &renderer) < 0) {
"SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer() failed: %s", SDL_GetError());
surface = IMG_ReadXPMFromArray(icon_xpm);
texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surface);
if (!texture) {
"Couldn't load texture: %s", SDL_GetError());
SDL_SetWindowSize(window, 800, 480);
done = 0;
while (!done) {
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
if (event.type == SDL_QUIT)
done = 1;
SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, NULL, NULL);
Then let's make an Android app out of it. To compile:
cd /usr/src/SDL2/build-scripts/ ./ org.libsdl.showimage /usr/src/SDL2_image/showimage.c cd /usr/src/SDL2/build/org.libsdl.showimage/ ln -s /usr/src/SDL2_image jni/ ln -s /usr/src/SDL2_image/external/libwebp-0.3.0 jni/webp sed -i -e 's/^LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES.*/& SDL2_image/' jni/src/ ndk-build -j$(nproc) ant debug install
- application doesn't restart properly
4. Build an autotools-friendly environment
You use autotools in your project and can't be bothering understanding ndk-build's cryptic errors? This guide is for you!
Note: this environment can be used for CMake too.
4.1. Compile a shared binaries bundle for SDL and SDL_*
Get the latests SDL2_* releases:
cd /usr/src/ wget wget wget wget wget tar xf SDL2-2.0.5.tar.gz tar xf SDL2_image-2.0.1.tar.gz tar xf SDL2_mixer-2.0.1.tar.gz tar xf SDL2_net-2.0.1.tar.gz tar xf SDL2_ttf-2.0.14.tar.gz ln -s SDL2-2.0.5 SDL2 ln -s SDL2_image-2.0.1 SDL2_image ln -s SDL2_mixer-2.0.1 SDL2_mixer ln -s SDL2_net-2.0.1 SDL2_net ln -s SDL2_ttf-2.0.14 SDL2_ttf
Start with a minimal build:
cd /usr/src/SDL2/ cd build-scripts/ #hg revert --all # remove traces of previous builds # edit and modify $ANDROID update project --target android-XX ./ org.libsdl /dev/null # doesn't matter if the actual build fails, it's just for setup cd ../build/org.libsdl/
Remove reference to our dummy file:
rm -rf jni/src/
Reference SDL_image, SDL_mixer, SDL_ttf, and their dependencies, as NDK modules:
ln -s /usr/src/SDL2_image jni/ ln -s /usr/src/SDL2_image/external/libwebp-0.3.0 jni/webp ln -s /usr/src/SDL2_mixer jni/ ln -s /usr/src/SDL2_mixer/external/libmikmod-3.1.12 jni/libmikmod ln -s /usr/src/SDL2_mixer/external/smpeg2-2.0.0 jni/smpeg2 ln -s /usr/src/SDL2_net jni/ ln -s /usr/src/SDL2_ttf jni/
Optionnaly edit jni/ to disable some formats, e.g.:
SUPPORT_MP3_SMPEG := false include $(call all-subdir-makefiles)
Launch the build!
ndk-build -j$(nproc)
Note: no need to add System.loadLibrary calls in, your application will be linked to them and Android's ld-linux loads them automatically.
4.2. Install SDL in a GCC toolchain
Copy the NDK into a traditional GCC toolchain (leave android-14 as-is):
/usr/src/android-ndk-r8c/build/tools/ \ --platform=android-14 --install-dir=/usr/src/ndk-standalone-14-arm --arch=arm
Set your PATH (important, do it before any build):
NDK_STANDALONE=/usr/src/ndk-standalone-14-arm PATH=$NDK_STANDALONE/bin:$PATH
Install the SDL2 binaries in the toolchain:
cd /usr/src/SDL2/build/org.libsdl/ for i in libs/armeabi/*; do ln -nfs $(pwd)/$i $NDK_STANDALONE/sysroot/usr/lib/; done mkdir $NDK_STANDALONE/sysroot/usr/include/SDL2/ \cp jni/SDL/include/* $NDK_STANDALONE/sysroot/usr/include/SDL2/ \cp jni/*/SDL*.h $NDK_STANDALONE/sysroot/usr/include/SDL2/
Install pkg-config and install a host-triplet-prefixed symlink in the PATH (auto-detected by autoconf):
VERSION=0.9.12 cd /usr/src/ wget$VERSION.tar.gz tar xf pkgconf-$VERSION.tar.gz cd pkgconf-$VERSION/ mkdir native-android/ && cd native-android/ ../configure --prefix=$NDK_STANDALONE/sysroot/usr make -j$(nproc) make install ln -s ../sysroot/usr/bin/pkgconf $NDK_STANDALONE/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-pkg-config mkdir $NDK_STANDALONE/sysroot/usr/lib/pkgconfig/
Install pkg-config .pc files for SDL:
cat <<'EOF' > $NDK_STANDALONE/sysroot/usr/lib/pkgconfig/sdl2.pc prefix=/usr/src/ndk-standalone-14-arm/sysroot/usr exec_prefix=${prefix} libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib includedir=${prefix}/include Name: sdl2 Description: Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D video framebuffer. Version: 2.0.5 Requires: Conflicts: Libs: -lSDL2 Cflags: -I${includedir}/SDL2 -D_REENTRANT EOF cat <<'EOF' > $NDK_STANDALONE/sysroot/usr/lib/pkgconfig/SDL2_image.pc prefix=/usr/src/ndk-standalone-14-arm/sysroot/usr exec_prefix=${prefix} libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib includedir=${prefix}/include Name: SDL2_image Description: image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer Version: 2.0.1 Requires: sdl2 >= 2.0.0 Libs: -L${libdir} -lSDL2_image Cflags: -I${includedir}/SDL2 EOF cat <<'EOF' > $NDK_STANDALONE/sysroot/usr/lib/pkgconfig/SDL2_mixer.pc prefix=/usr/src/ndk-standalone-14-arm/sysroot/usr exec_prefix=${prefix} libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib includedir=${prefix}/include Name: SDL2_mixer Description: mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer Version: 2.0.1 Requires: sdl2 >= 2.0.0 Libs: -L${libdir} -lSDL2_mixer Cflags: -I${includedir}/SDL2 EOF cat <<'EOF' > $NDK_STANDALONE/sysroot/usr/lib/pkgconfig/SDL2_net.pc prefix=/usr/src/ndk-standalone-14-arm/sysroot/usr exec_prefix=${prefix} libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib includedir=${prefix}/include Name: SDL2_net Description: net library for Simple DirectMedia Layer Version: 2.0.1 Requires: sdl2 >= 2.0.0 Libs: -L${libdir} -lSDL2_net Cflags: -I${includedir}/SDL2 EOF cat <<'EOF' > $NDK_STANDALONE/sysroot/usr/lib/pkgconfig/SDL2_ttf.pc prefix=/usr/src/ndk-standalone-14-arm/sysroot/usr exec_prefix=${prefix} libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib includedir=${prefix}/include Name: SDL2_ttf Description: ttf library for Simple DirectMedia Layer with FreeType 2 support Version: 2.0.14 Requires: sdl2 >= 2.0.0 Libs: -L${libdir} -lSDL2_ttf Cflags: -I${includedir}/SDL2 EOF
4.3. Building other dependencies
You can add any other libraries (e.g.: SDL2_gfx, freetype, gettext, gmp...) using commands like:
mkdir cross-android/ && cd cross-android/ ../configure --host=arm-linux-androideabi --prefix=$NDK_STANDALONE/sysroot/usr \ --with-some-option --enable-another-option \ --disable-shared make -j$(nproc) make install
Static builds (--disable-shared) are recommended for simplicity (no additional .so to declare).
Example with SDL2_gfx:
VERSION=1.0.3 wget$VERSION.tar.gz tar xf SDL2_gfx-$VERSION.tar.gz mv SDL2_gfx-$VERSION/ SDL2_gfx/ cd SDL2_gfx/ mkdir cross-android/ && cd cross-android/ ../configure --host=arm-linux-androideabi --prefix=$NDK_STANDALONE/sysroot/usr \ --disable-shared --disable-mmx make -j$(nproc) make install
You can compile YOUR application using this technique, with some more steps to tell Android how to run it using JNI.
4.4. Build your autotools app
First, prepare an Android project:
Copy and adapt the /usr/src/SDL2/android-project skeleton as explained in You can leave it as-is in a first step.
Make links to the SDL binaries as well:
mkdir -p libs/armeabi/ for i in /usr/src/SDL2/build/org.libsdl/libs/armeabi/*; do ln -nfs $i libs/armeabi/; done
Make your project Android-aware:
Add /usr/src/SDL2/src/main/android/SDL_android_main.c in your project (comment out the line referencing "SDL_internal.h"). Compile it as C (not C++).
In your, detect Android:
AM_CONDITIONAL(ANDROID, test "$host" = "arm-unknown-linux-androideabi")
In your, tell Automake you'll build executables as libraries, using something like:
if ANDROID # Build .so JNI libs rather than executables AM_CFLAGS = -fPIC AM_LDFLAGS += -shared COMMON_OBJS += SDL_android_main.c endif
Cross-compile your project using the GCC toolchain environment we created:
PATH=$NDK_STANDALONE/bin:$PATH mkdir cross-android/ && cd cross-android/ ../configure --host=arm-linux-androideabi \ --prefix=/android-aint-posix \ --with-your-option --enable-your-other-option ... make
Do this again for any additional arch you want to support (TODO: see how to support armeabi-v7a and document what devices support it); something like:
mkdir cross-android-v7a/ && cd cross-android-v7a/ # .o: -march=armv5te -mtune=xscale -msoft-float -mthumb => -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=softfp -mthumb # .so: -march=armv7-a -Wl,--fix-cortex-a8 CFLAGS="-g -O2 -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=softfp -mthumb" LFDLAGS="-march=armv7-a -Wl,--fix-cortex-a8" \ ../configure --host=arm-linux-androideabi \ ...
Now you can install your pre-built binaries and build the Android project:
Copy your program in android-project/libs/armeabi/
Build your Android .apk:
android update project --name your_app --path . --target android-XX ant debug ant installd
You can run the application remotely:
adb shell am start -a android.intenon.MAIN -n # replace with your app package
- Your SDL2 Android app is running!
4.5. Build your CMake app
(Work In Progress)
You can use our Android GCC toolchain using a simple toolchain file:
# CMake toolchain file SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Linux) # Tell CMake we're cross-compiling include(CMakeForceCompiler) # Prefix detection only works with compiler id "GNU" CMAKE_FORCE_C_COMPILER(arm-linux-androideabi-gcc GNU) SET(ANDROID TRUE)
You then call CMake like this:
PATH=$NDK_STANDALONE/bin:$PATH cmake \ -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../android_toolchain.cmake \ ...
5. Troubleshootings
If ant installd categorically refuses to install with Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE], even if you have free local storage, that may mean anything. Check logcat first:
adb logcat
If the error logs are not helpful (likely ;')) try locating all past traces of the application:
find / -name "org...."
and remove them all.
If the problem persists, you may try installing on the SD card:
adb install -s bin/app-debug.apk
If you get in your logcat:
SDL: Couldn't locate Java callbacks, check that they're named and typed correctly
this probably means your is out-of-sync with your