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Use this function to copy a portion of the texture to the current rendering target.


int SDL_RenderCopy(SDL_Renderer*   renderer,
                   SDL_Texture*    texture,
                   const SDL_Rect* srcrect,
                   const SDL_Rect* dstrect)

Function Parameters


the rendering context


the source texture; see Remarks for details


the source SDL_Rect structure or NULL for the entire texture


the destination SDL_Rect structure or NULL for the entire rendering target; the texture will be stretched to fill the given rectangle

Return Value

Returns 0 on success or a negative error code on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information.

Code Examples

#include "SDL.h"
#define SHAPE_SIZE 16

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  SDL_Window* Main_Window;
  SDL_Renderer* Main_Renderer;
  SDL_Surface* Loading_Surf;
  SDL_Texture* Background_Tx;
  SDL_Texture* BlueShapes;

  /* Rectangles for drawing which will specify source (inside the texture)
  and target (on the screen) for rendering our textures. */
  SDL_Rect SrcR;
  SDL_Rect DestR;

  SrcR.x = 0;
  SrcR.y = 0;
  SrcR.w = SHAPE_SIZE;
  SrcR.h = SHAPE_SIZE;

  DestR.x = 640 / 2 - SHAPE_SIZE / 2;
  DestR.y = 580 / 2 - SHAPE_SIZE / 2;
  DestR.w = SHAPE_SIZE;
  DestR.h = SHAPE_SIZE;

  /* Before we can render anything, we need a window and a renderer */
  Main_Window = SDL_CreateWindow("SDL_RenderCopy Example",
  Main_Renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(Main_Window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED);

  /* The loading of the background texture. Since SDL_LoadBMP() returns
  a surface, we convert it to a texture afterwards for fast accelerated
  blitting. */
  Loading_Surf = SDL_LoadBMP("Background.bmp");
  Background_Tx = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(Main_Renderer, Loading_Surf);
  SDL_FreeSurface(Loading_Surf); /* we got the texture now -> free surface */

  /* Load an additional texture */
  Loading_Surf = SDL_LoadBMP("Blueshapes.bmp");
  BlueShapes = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(Main_Renderer, Loading_Surf);

  /* now onto the fun part.
  This will render a rotating selection of the blue shapes
  in the middle of the screen */
  int i;
  int n;
  for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
    for(n = 0; n < 4; ++n) {
      SrcR.x = SHAPE_SIZE * (n % 2);
      if (n > 1) {
        SrcR.y = SHAPE_SIZE;
      } else {
        SrcR.y = 0;

      /* render background, whereas NULL for source and destination
      rectangles just means "use the default" */
      SDL_RenderCopy(Main_Renderer, Background_Tx, NULL, NULL);

      /* render the current animation step of our shape */
      SDL_RenderCopy(Main_Renderer, BlueShapes, &SrcR, &DestR);

  /* The renderer works pretty much like a big canvas:
  when you RenderCopy() you are adding paint, each time adding it
  on top.
  You can change how it blends with the stuff that
  the new data goes over.
  When your 'picture' is complete, you show it
  by using SDL_RenderPresent(). */

  /* SDL 1.2 hint: If you're stuck on the whole renderer idea coming
  from 1.2 surfaces and blitting, think of the renderer as your
  main surface, and SDL_RenderCopy() as the blit function to that main
  surface, with SDL_RenderPresent() as the old SDL_Flip() function.*/


  return 0;


The texture is blended with the destination based on its blend mode set with SDL_SetTextureBlendMode().

The texture color is affected based on its color modulation set by SDL_SetTextureColorMod().

The texture alpha is affected based on its alpha modulation set by SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod().

CategoryAPI, CategoryRender

None: SDL_RenderCopy (last edited 2015-08-18 20:57:36 by PhilippWiesemann)

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